Monday, 12 July 2010

Las Vegas completely knocked it out of me yesterday. I slept in til 1pm, read Shantaram for a little while (possibly the best book I've ever read, if you haven't read it before then I highly recommend it!) and then went back for another nap.
Shantaram keeps coming out with a lot of knowledgeable phrases, such as:

Dream is the place where a wish and fear meet.
When the wish and the fear are exactly the same,
we call the dream a nightmare.

I have a lot of dreams and nightmares so the phrase definitely inspired me. I really want to get a dream catcher to stop the nightmares but then I debate that I don't want to get rid of the nice or weird dreams, And even the nightmares, though half the time they're scary or upsetting, are usually interesting at least.