Sunday, 25 July 2010

This Sunday, we went to Las Vegas for Amber Scott's birthday. Our day:

  • We left at 8 in the morning because I was late at getting up after the 80's party the night before. Amber shouted through me window to wake me up. 
  • Got a buffet breakfast when we arrived to Vegas.
  • Went to watch a belly dancing competition that Gail (who works the costume builds for USF) was entered in.
  • Checked in and looked at the moving animal display in the centre of the hotel.
  • Saw the volcano at the Mirage.
  • Saw the fountains at the Belagio.
  • Went to the Hello Kitty store... dear God i've never seen so much girlyness all in one store!
  • Ate dinner at Panda Express in our hotel.
  • Got a $40 alcohol drink each (mine was strawberry margarita)... totally not worth it!
  • We went to Fromont Street... the 'badass' side of town. 
  • Danced on a bar.
  • Went back to the hotel after eating at Chequers.
Fortune Cookie: You will gain admiration from your peers.

Monday 26th July 2010

  • Came home from Vegas. 
  • Had Sweet Basil (Thai) for lunch for Amber's 30th!
  • Exhausted - I slept until I had to work.
Much Ado about Nothing

Fortune Cookie: Don't look back. Always look ahead.

Thursday, 22 July 2010

I know I'm going to write in a few quotes from the book, Shantaram... this is because it had been a very influential book for me...

It's forgiveness that makes us what we are...
Without forgiveness, there would be no history.
Without that hope, there would be no art, for every work of art is in some way an act of forgiveness.
Without that dream, there would be no love, for every act of love is in some way a promise to forgive.
We live on because we can love, and we love because we can forgive.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

This is a dangerous job! Haha!! Today, I accidently slammed my singer in the dressing room door. Big, fat OUCH... with a ton of extra swearing on the side. Doesn't help with me changes much but there's not much I can do but put up with it.
I'm a complete baby when it comes to hurting myself, because it never happens. I've never so much as broken a bone in my body!

One of the biggest things I've noticed about America... FOOD!!! There's lots of it, and everywhere, and all times of the day. Everyone's always making food, which I think is amazing because I can barely cook at all. But I need to start resisting more, because I can already feel me starting to put the weight on. Less food... more hikes!!

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Much Ado About Nothing Matinee
Macbeth Evening

Today's been very busy with having to do the Matinee performance. The Matinee is in the rain stage so we had to get used to going through the pipe tunnel to get to the other stage. It also meant that all but 2 of my changes had to be taken over to the rain stage dressing room or backstage. It was a bit daunting - but as per usual, I got slightly nervous. But of course, everything was fine as it happened.

Monday, 12 July 2010

Las Vegas completely knocked it out of me yesterday. I slept in til 1pm, read Shantaram for a little while (possibly the best book I've ever read, if you haven't read it before then I highly recommend it!) and then went back for another nap.
Shantaram keeps coming out with a lot of knowledgeable phrases, such as:

Dream is the place where a wish and fear meet.
When the wish and the fear are exactly the same,
we call the dream a nightmare.

I have a lot of dreams and nightmares so the phrase definitely inspired me. I really want to get a dream catcher to stop the nightmares but then I debate that I don't want to get rid of the nice or weird dreams, And even the nightmares, though half the time they're scary or upsetting, are usually interesting at least.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Sunday 11th July

Happy Birthday Jack!
Today we went to LAS VEGAS!! It was absolutely AMAZING! There's definitely too much to do in just one day so hopefully we'll be going back another day. We walked all around the strip, saw a couple of the fountain shows outside the Belagio, got drunk in the afternoon, ate a really nice dinner in New York New York. It was a really fun day, even if outside was unbearably hot, and I can't wait to go back again!!

Saturday 10th July

Tonight was Macbeth, then after we finished it was the Opening Night Party for all the actors and crew and everyone involved in the Shakespeare Festival productions. There was a good excuse to dress up and mingle and meet new faces :)

Friday 9th July

Today was my first experience of sushi, at Ninja Japanese Restaurant for lunch. Probably not the best first experience, I'm open to try it again but the idea of raw fish still creeps me out. Otherwise lush lunch.
Tonight was Merchant of Venice and then for my birthday we went to Karaoke at Mike's Tavern afterwards. First time i've been to one of the bars here, they seem pretty fun but mainly if you stick to your group of friends.

Thursday, 8 July 2010

John Oswald is one of the Actors that I work with in the Adams Theatre. He is probably one of the most sweetest, intellectual and quirky people I've ever met in my life.
He got me a card for my birthday which contained some poetry which we had spoken about:

From WORDWORTH's "Intimations" ODE -

"Then sing, ye birds, sing, sing a joyous song!
And let the young lambs bound
As to the tabor's sound!
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of spendor in the grass, of glory in the flower
Thanks to the human heart by which we love,
Thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and fears,
To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears"

SAROYAN - Time of your Life

"In the time of your life - LIVE"

SHELLEY's "Hymn to Intellectual Beauty"

"As summer winds that creep from flower to flower
Like clouds in starlight widely spread
Like memory of music fled
Like aught that for its grace may be
Dear, and yet clearer for its mystery
Thy light alone - like mist o'er mountains driven
Or music by the night wind sent
Through strings of some still instruments,
Or moonlight on a midnight stream,
Gives grace and truth to life's unquiet dream."

I've been so excited to open my 3 cards and my present this morning. A card from Lysette that I promised I'd leave until today, a card from my Grandma and Grandad that had a cheque and a letter in that instantly brightened my day by making me laugh:

My dear Shelley,
We are sending your birthday pressie early this year as you will be away on the day.
Hoping you will have a lovely holiday - sorry, sorry! This is work experience, not a sun, sea and booze holiday. But lets hope you get some fun while you are there!
I would life to give you a long list of Dos and Don'ts such as
Do blend in and make friends
Do respect their way of doing things
Don't get caught up in their funny religious beliefs
and please Don't bring home a Yankee boyfriend!
I could go on for pages like this but would you listen? -Well I am your Gran and I am entitled to worry a bit.
Have a lovely trip and a Happy Birthday.
Love from Grandma and Grandad

I also had a card from my mum containing a beautiful crystal guardian angel, and what I looked forward to the most, the present from my mum - a beautiful gold and silver claddagh ring.
I treated myself to eggs and a cup of tea this morning - usually it's just cornflakes. And then I went to Main Street Grill for lunch with Eric, Emma, Erin, Ellie, Jen, Amber, Elizabeth and Krissa. After that we went to the Renaissance Fair across the road which I loved! And intend to go back again on Saturday. When we got back, a few of us went and chilled out at the pool until we had to go to work.
Tonight was Much Ado About Nothing - my busiest night, and then me and Amber had to do laundry. But when I got back, I went to Ben, Kristen and Richie's flat below me because Ben cooks every Thursday. Tonight was doughnuts, but when I walked in, Ben and Chris had also made me a HUGE birthday cake! It was amazing! I went to Erin's after to watch a film and Ellie had also made me a cake as well :) I'm taking that one to work tomorrow :)

Sunday, 4 July 2010


Happy Independence Day America.

Today we (Me, Eric, Erin, Kym, Cassie, Amber and Jen) went to the Great Basin ('Big Bowl' cause for some strange reason I could never remember the name). We hiked around a little then went on a 90min cave tour. That was the main feature of our day. It was interesting to see and an amazing day out, and it was our guide, Ranger Steve's 62nd birthday.
We then went to Baker Village where there were very little remains left from an archaelogical dig of where there used to be a little village in the middle of the desert.
We stopped off for dinner in a tiny town on the drive back to Cedar City; I hadn't had a proper burger in ages.... so good!! :D
Then further down the road back, we stopped at a ghost town that was nothing but rubble left from a 19th century mining village.
We drove through nothing but mountains and desert; I don't think I'm ever going to get over how beautiful  this place is. My battery camera dies halfway through the day though :( so I'm planning to take photos of facebook to make up for the rest of today :)

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Friday 2nd July

Today was the last day in the Costume Shop, which was sad to see people leaving who were only here for the costume build. At lunch time I walked up the Canyon path with Erin and Sam which was beautiful to see how close we are to the beautiful, multi-coloured mountains. We walked about half way and then walked back again, wading through the cool river on out way back.
I was very impressed with my purchase of $3 trainers today so that i can go hiking :)
And I had my first experience of a RootBeer Float (root beer mixed with ice cream) It was OK... but I couldn't finish all of it.
Macbeth in the Evening.

Thursday 1st July

Today I saw the afternoon showing of Great Expectations and absolutely LOVED IT!! The actors were amazing, the accents were well done with a few dodgy parts but nothing overly noticeable to anyone who isn't English or studied English, and I was shocked by the standard of singing.
We had Much Ado About Nothing on in the evening, then I had to do laundry, but being a Thursday, Ben in the flat downstairs had made yummy food for everyone. This week, pasta :)

Tuesday 29th June

I saw the first dress of Pride and Prejudice today, which proved excellent English accents. They don't even try to put on accents in the Shakespeare plays which took adjustment when I first heard a Shakespeare in American... it was strange.
I had to have a quick change rehersal today with Chelsea Steverson, so that we can get her quick change for Merchant of Venice done to a schedule and without panic.
Tonight was Merchant of Venice.

Monday 28th June

Pie day at the shop. I cheated and bought a pie from Walmart.
I had a quick change rehersal with Caroline Crocker for her quick chance in Much Ado about Nothing.
Tonight was Much Ado About Nothing