Monday, 12 April 2010

Post Easter

After the first fitting, I didn't feel comfortable enough to start adapting the pattern before I got back to Uni. Today gave me the opportunity to look at the toile, change the shape to make it look how I wanted, and eventually take apart and turn the calico panels into pattern pieces that I will use to cut out my top fabric. I will only work on the top pieces of the jacket today, and make the skirt once I know the new waistline measurement from the top of the jacket.

First day back after easter.
All four of us placed our jackets (that had now been adapted in the fitting) and Graham was available to look over each of the costumes and tell us where to go next...

  • My Jacket is doing up the wrong way round.
This means that I will have to swop which side the flap goes on and change the slant of the jacket hem. The buttons will do up on the opposite side.

  • The Centre Front (CF) was too short
Extend the CF seam over.

  • Move the side seam nearer to the front
This is because the front panel is too big and waving around a lot on its own. Bringing the side seam forward slightly will prevent it a bit more. The side seam will be brought forward 1 inch.

  • Use calico to change the shape of the lapel.
The lapels moved back after the back seams were taken in. The lapel needs to be made bigger to bring it back to its original design shape.

  • Neck line changed.
Brought forward so it will sit comfortably. It fell back due to areas being pulled in. And the front of the neck line was cut down slightly to the shape of the neckline.

NOTE: The second back pleats were supposed to be a historical fold. They have now been changed into pleats as part of the design.

To be done for the next fitting:
  • Consider if the fitting can be done in Bournemouth to have the assisstance of a tutor. This has been considered but due to the band's and tutor's shedule's its not possible. The second fitting has been arranged for Bank Holiday Monday, 3rd May 2010. This a date that all the band and all of us makers can attend but no tutor can.
  • All items must be sourced or partially made (Jacket, Trousers, Shirt, Waistcoat, Cravat)
  • Jacket and trousers must be made in CLOTH with canvas inside the jacket.
  • Sleeves must be made in CALICO.
  • Lining will be fitted into the jacket AFTER the second fitting, but we can buy and print the design before if we have time.

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